Rought materials, all AM to ASTM surface condition with all the wrought
Rought supplies, all AM to ASTM surface condition using the wrought supplies, all AM specimens had been machinedspecimens were machined to ASTM sample specifications as heat treated. Wrought samples heat sample specifications as shown in Figure two just after being shown in Figure two following beingwere treated. Wrought samples had been PH steel from hot-rolled 17-4 PH steel plate. tested machined from a hot-rolled 17-4machined plate. aA set of wrought samples wereA set of wrought samples had been tested as-received (W-AR), though a further settreated at 650 C for as-received (W-AR), while one more set of wrought samples were heat of wrought samples have been heat treated at 650 in the furnace. four h and cooled overnight for four h and cooled overnight in the furnace.Table 1. Metal powder chemical composition. Table 1. Metal powder chemical composition.Kind Cr (wt ) Ni (wt ) Cu (wt ) Mn (wt ) (wt ) Nb Nb (wt ) Type Cr (wt ) Ni (wt ) Cu (wt ) Mn Si (wt ) (wt ) (wt ) (wt ) (wt ) Si Mo Mo Nominal ValNominal Values 157.five 157.five 1 1 Max. 0.15.45 three three three 3 Max. 1 Max. Max. 1 Max.Max. 0.5 uesC (wt ) C (wt )Max. 0.07 Max. 0.Figure 2. Specimen dimensions and micro-hardness test measurements from gauge and grip locations. Figure two. Specimen dimensions and micro-hardness test measurements from gauge and grip locations.Displacement controlled Complement Receptor 2 Proteins supplier tensile ductile fracture and ULCF tests had been performed in accordance with ASTM E606/E606M-12 [24] working with a Servohydraulic Biaxial Fatigue Testing Machine (manufactured by Walter Bai AG, Lohningen, Switzerland). The experimental set-up is shown in Figure three. In all ULCF testing, specimens had been subjected to straincontrolled fully reversed (R = -1) uni-axial cyclic strains at continuous strain-amplitudes (/2) of 0.02, 0.03 and 0.04, respectively. All AM specimens were fabricated in theMetals 2021, 11,gated Vega three SEM. Vicker’s micro-hardness surface testing was performed working with a Pace Tescanusing SEM, micro-hardness testing and XRD. All SEM pictures have been taken working with a Tescan Vega (model HV-1000Z) micro-hardness tester, ADAM12 Proteins Species applying a load of 0.098 N Pace Technologies three SEM. Vicker’s micro-hardness surface testing was performed applying a(100Technologies (model HV-1000Z) micro-hardness tester, applying a load of 0.098 from a gf) over a dwell time of 15 s. Many micro-hardness measurements have been taken N (100gf) more than dwell time of grip area of every single sample (see measurements diffraction from a quadrantaof the gage and15 s. Numerous micro-hardness Figure 2). X-raywere taken (XRD) four of 13 quadrant in the gage and grip location of every sample fatigue specimen had been taken using a measurements in the grip cross-section of each and every (see Figure two). X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements in the diffractometer with every single fatigue specimen had been taken an opPANalytical X’Pert MRD grip cross-section ofCu K1 radiation ( = 1.540598 atusing a PANalytical X’Pert existing of 45 kV and 40 mA, respectively. = 1.540598 at an operating voltage andMRD diffractometer with Cu K1 radiation (In addition, metalloerating develop orientation the of 45 perpendicular to conducted following polishing horizontalvoltage and present specimen surfaces mA,the layer construct path as shown and graphic investigations of and loaded kV and 40 were respectively. In addition, metallographic investigations of to specimen surfaces had been performed following polishing and in Figure with Fry’s reagentthe reveal the microstructure. etching four. etching with Fry’s reagent to reveal the microstructure.Figure Experimenta.