Ab ab 0.17 0.03 ab ab 0.91 ab .03.03 ab unique from one nother at0.22 0.03 b 29.60 five.57 a 0.18 0.03 a p 0.05. 0.18 0.06 b 30.80 two.72 b 0.21 0.04 0.21 0.04 5 32.60 3.11 0.22 0.03 0.18 0.03 31.40 1.96 0.18 0.06 30.80 2.72 0.21 0.04 32.60 three.11 0.22 0.03 29.60 five.57 0.18 0.03 31.40 1.96 b 0.18 0.06 32.60 3.11 b b b 0.22 0.03 b 29.60 5.57 a a a0.18 0.03 a 31.40 1.96 1.96 0.18 0.06 b30.80 2.72 two.72 b0.21 0.04 b five 555 32.6032.60 3.11 b b0.22 0.03 b b b 29.6029.60 5.57 a0.18 0.03 a a a 31.4031.40 b b b b 0.18 0.06 b b b30.8030.80 b b b0.21 0.04 b b b b three.11 five.57 1.96 2.Therapy (g) 0 1 2Discussion Discussion C Discussion 4.four.four.four.N Discussion N C N C N Soil collected fromlongterm, heavily infested0.11 0.03 a longterm, heavily infested parthenium weed location was hown 23.80 1.65 a 0.12 Soil collected fromlongterm, heavily infested parthenium weed location was showna oilacollected 1.72a a a a0.14 0.01 a heavily 1.86 a 0.01 27.ten from a 24.ten infested parthenium weed 1.66 a was shown 25.20 location was 0.13 0.01 longterm, parthenium weed area shown Soil collected from to lessen 25.70 emergence of wide variety test test 0.13 0.05between 20 and 0.14 0.03 ab plants involving and 40 (Figure 27.20 1.65 ab to lower seedling emergence 0.13a a a a a variety of two.79 test plants byab between 1.58 and 40 (Figure 0.15 0.02 seedling three.80 a to decrease seedling emergence of wide 26.80 f of plants by in between 20and 40 (Figure to reduceabseedling emergence of0.02 wide variety test plants by by 27.2020 20 ab40 (Figure of wide variety of ab plants. 29.40 0.91 ab 1); 0.16 however, the oilahadfurther Rezafungin Purity & Documentation impact 29.70the development of your absurviving test plants. 0.03In a 0.16 the 29.2 test 1); 0.11 ab the soil had no no additional impact he development of0.01 surviving 0.86 abplants. In ab 1); 1); even so,29.8 soil had no further impact on1.03 abgrowth of the surviving test plants. a a a nonetheless, the 3.90 additional impact onon the growth of your surviving test 0.17 In In on the other hand, the soil had no 0.16 0.02 a around the second study,compost amendedawith dried parthenium weed leaf litter 32.60 3.11 b second study, a a a a five.57 a amended with dried 1.96 parthenium weed 30.80litter b reduced0.04 b 0.22 0.03 b 31.40 parthenium 0.06 b leaf leaf 2.72 reduced seed0.18 weed 0.21 seedsecond study,compost amended with dried parthenium weed leaf litter reduced seedcompost 0.18 0.03 second study, 29.60 compost amended with dried b litter decreased seedling emergence Bisindolylmaleimide XI Biological Activity thethe exact same test plant species by among 20 and 40 (Figure four); having said that, ling emergence of of exact same test test plant species in between 20 and 40 (Figure four); however, ling ling emergence precisely the same test plant species byby in between 20 and 40 (Figure four); however, emergence of from the very same plant species by amongst 20 and 40 (Figure four); nevertheless, the compost no further effect on the the growth of surviving test plants. Interestingly, the4. Discussion nono additional impact ongrowth of of surviving test plants. Interestingly, one particular compost had thethe compost had no further impact around the growth surviving test plants. Interestingly, one one compost had had additional effect on the development of surviving test plants. Interestingly, 1 weekSoil emergence, growth of of all species was parthenium byby location was to to right after emergence, the growth of test species was stimulated week after collected thethe longterm,test test infestedstimulated by by (lettuce) toshown week following emergence, the a growth all all test species was stimulatedweed9 (lettuce) 85 to 9 (lettu.